100% satisfaction guarantee
We guarantee you will be fully satisfied and feel that way you want to feel. If
you don’t, just let us know by calling within 60 days after the purchase of a Program
or product and you’ll receive a prompt refund of your purchase price, minus shipping
and handling, even if you’ve taken all the supplements.
A natural approach
We put great effort into making the nutrients in our supplements bioavailable. There
are no toxins, hormone disruptors, artificial preservatives, or synthetic dyes.
Our philosophy is to support your body so it can balance itself naturally, as it
was meant to do.
You can cancel at anytime
More than 92% of women who try our Health Programs and products are satisfied, but
there is never any purchase commitment. You may cancel anytime only by calling 1-800-448-4919.
Our approach is simple and effective
We've refined and perfected our approach over the last 18 years. With over hundreds
of thousands of happy customers, we know how to make it work for you too.
Exceptional customer service
We’re here for you Monday through Friday, and you can call or e-mail us with any
questions or concerns. And every e-mail gets a personalized answer.
You’ll never, ever receive a sales call from us
We will check in from time to time to see how you are progressing (unless you tell
us not to) — but we won’t be calling to sell you anything.
Personalized attention
Each woman is unique and so is her path to wellness. That's why we tailor the approach
to your symptoms, and you can use our Wellness Coaches and Nurse-Educators to help
solve any problems you meet along the way.
Innovative, carefully-researched formulas
Our supplements are carefully formulated by a panel of experts, both in-house and
independent, including PhDs, MDs, NDs, and NPs — all of whom have decades
of experience using specialized nutrients in clinical practice.
We’re in Portland, Maine
When you call, you’ll speak to a woman who’s usually been with us for years, with
the authority to do what it takes to make you happy.
Standards far above FDA requirements
All of our supplements are manufactured in laboratories that meet or exceed the
FDA’s GMP standards. We also take the extra step of requiring an assay of every
single production batch to ensure it matches the label specifications — an
extra level of protection we’ve borrowed from the pharmaceutical industry.
Your privacy is protected
We carefully safeguard your personal details, and your payment information is encrypted
and secure. We never share the information you give us with other companies, or
allow them to promote their products to you.
Manage your account on-line
My Account lets you change shipment dates, update account information,
order additional supplements, and track your progress.
Your health * Your happiness
We are now one of the largest and most popular natural-health websites for women.
Thanks to our customers, this rich resource is available to women around the world
— absolutely free.
If you have suggestions about how we might improve what we do — with our products
and health programs, in serving you, or on our website — please e-mail us
at support@womenshealthnetwork.com.
If you want to find out more about our approach, please call us at 1-800-448-4919.
We’re here to listen and help.