Losing weight is hard! And there's a surprising reason why – many women have physiological
imbalances in their bodies that prevent weight loss, no matter how hard they try.
At Women's Health Network we call this weight loss resistance,
and simply put, you must heal those physiological imbalances if you want to lose
This profile will assess your body's resistance to weight loss, and create a personalized
plan to help you achieve your weight loss goals.
First, tell us about your weight loss goal.
1. Do you have a weight loss goal in mind?*
How many pounds would you like to lose?
2. How quickly do you want to reach your goal?*
3. Who will be supporting your weight loss efforts? (select all that apply)
4. What's your BMI (or body mass index)?
What is your BMI?*

Answer is required
If you do not know your BMI, we will calculate it for you based on your height and
5. What is the relationship between your hips and your waist?*
Next, tell us about your experience with weight loss.
Answer ‘yes' or ‘no' to each of these questions.
What about exercise and physical fitness?
Check which best describes you during the past 30 days.
Do you look forward to exercising?
If you do exercise, do you feel good afterwards?
OK, let's uncover the reasons behind your body's resistance to losing weight.
Rate the symptoms that you have experienced in the last 3 months on a scale from
1 to 5. If you did not experience the symptom, please rate it as 1.
Here's how to rate your symptoms:
- 1 = I do not experience this symptom with any regularity.
- 2 = the symptom is a minor problem — I notice the symptom
but can manage most of the time.
- 3 = the symptom is a moderate issue for me — I can manage
it some of the time but I sometimes struggle.
- 4 = the symptom is a real problem, but I try to push myself through
- 5 = the symptom is severe — I can barely function.
You're nearly done! Lastly, tell us how you'd like to feel after completing a weight
loss program:
Please check all that apply.